
Wave Gotik Treffen 2023

Wave Gotik Treffen Leipzig 2023 Herzlich Willkommen zum Wave Gotik Treffen in Leipzig! Mit großer Begeisterung heißen wir alle Künstlerinnen, Künstler und Teilnehmerinnen des Wave Gotik Treffens in Leipzig willkommen. Das Wave Gotik Treffen ist eine einzigartige Veranstaltung, die jedes Jahr Menschen aus aller Welt anzieht, um die Schönheit der Dunkelheit, Kreativität und Musik zu[…]

Picnic Essentials

Picnic Essentials not only in Leipzig Picnics are a great way to enjoy the outdoors, relax with friends and family, and indulge in some delicious food. Whether you are a seasoned picnic-goer or planning your first outing, it’s essential to have the right supplies to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience. In this post, we’ll[…]

Happy Easter Leipzig

As Easter approaches, it’s a great time to reflect on the meaning and traditions of this special holiday. At our English school in Leipzig, we believe that Easter is a time for renewal, reflection, and growth. In this blog post, we’ll explore the history of Easter and some of the ways you can celebrate this important holiday.

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