Communicate better

Image of two people having a conversation in English

Form follows Function when communicating in a foreign language.

Function over form, i.d. what, how and why?

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the ability to communicate effectively in a foreign language has become an essential skill. Whether you are traveling to a new country or working in a global industry, being able to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds can open up a world of opportunities.

focus on the purpose of your communication rather than on the form or structure of the language itself

However, communicating in a foreign language can be challenging, and one of the keys to success is understanding the importance of form follows function. This means that the way you communicate should be based on the function or purpose of the communication, rather than on the form or structure of the language itself.

When you are communicating in a foreign language, it is easy to get caught up in the rules of grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. While these are important aspects of language learning, they should not be the sole focus of your communication. Instead, you should focus on the purpose of your communication and use the language to achieve that goal.

using the most sophisticated language possible may be counterproductive

For example, if you are traveling to a new country and need to ask for directions, your focus should be on conveying the information you need to get to your destination, rather than on speaking perfect grammar. Similarly, if you are negotiating a business deal with a foreign client, your focus should be on clearly expressing your terms and understanding their needs, rather than on using the most sophisticated language possible.

In many cases, effective communication in a foreign language requires a degree of flexibility and creativity. You may need to use non-verbal communication, such as gestures or facial expressions, to convey your meaning. You may also need to adapt your communication style to match the cultural norms of the people you are speaking with.

the goal is to achieve understanding and build relationships

Ultimately, the goal of communication in a foreign language is to achieve understanding and build relationships. By focusing on the function of your communication, rather than on the form of the language, you can overcome linguistic barriers and create meaningful connections with people from all over the world.

What? How? Why?

Asking „what“, „how“, and „why“ questions can be an efficient way of structuring your communication when using a foreign language.

„What“ questions can help you identify the purpose of your communication. For example, you might ask yourself, „What information do I need to convey?“ or „What is the goal of this conversation?“ By clarifying the purpose of your communication, you can ensure that you stay on track and avoid getting sidetracked by irrelevant details.

asking „what“, „how“, and „why“ questions can be an efficient way of structuring your communication when using a foreign language

„How“ questions can help you choose the most effective way to communicate your message. For example, you might ask yourself, „How can I express myself clearly in this language?“ or „How should I adjust my communication style to match the cultural norms of the people I am speaking with?“ By asking these types of questions, you can adapt your communication style to suit your audience and achieve the best possible outcome.

Finally, „why“ questions can help you reflect on the broader context of your communication. For example, you might ask yourself, „Why is it important to communicate effectively in this situation?“ or „Why do I want to build a relationship with this person?“ By thinking about the bigger picture, you can ensure that your communication is aligned with your goals and values.

you too can become a skilled communicator

By asking „what“, „how“, and „why“ questions, you can structure your communication in a way that is focused, effective, and culturally sensitive. With practice and a willingness to learn, anyone can become a skilled communicator in a foreign language.

In conclusion, form follows function when communicating in a foreign language. By prioritizing the purpose of your communication, rather than the rules of the language, you can communicate effectively and build relationships with people from different cultures and backgrounds. With practice and patience, anyone can become a successful communicator in a foreign language.

Communicate better
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